Coronavirus outbreak during erasmus

Coronavirus outbreak during erasmus

I remember my lecturer responsible for international internships telling us that something unexpected will definitely happen during your stay abroad. And I have to say this is the last thing I was expecting.

March 21, 2020
Visit to Prague

Visit to Prague

When going to the Czech Republic you have to visit Prague at least once. It’s truly a historical center.

March 8, 2020
First weeks abroad for Erasmus

First weeks abroad for Erasmus

On the 25th of January it was time to leave mother’s lap and live my own life for a few months. The start of my erasmus journey.

February 26, 2020
Internship Icontio

Internship Icontio

My internship started with a visit to the company I was going to work at. Let's see how the meeting goes.

November 24, 2019